San Lorenzo Nobel

The Nobel Prize in economics Joseph Stiglitz participated Monday in the 1st Social Forum of 15-M held in the Parque del Retiro. A few students of a course in economic policy, which was held in San Lorenzo de El Escorial and sympathizers of the movement invited to Stiglitz to intervene in the match. The Nobel Prize delivered a speech of 12 minutes, shared with his translator, during the Committee on economy of the 15-M and then moved. But not before defending a regulation of markets and recognize that he likes the energy seen in the 15-M: motion the economic crisis has shown the current problems of capitalism with a few markets unregulated. The experience of the last three decades demonstrates that there is a necessity that Governments play an important role in regulating markets. Source of the news:: El Nobel Stiglitz participates by surprise in the Forum of 15-M

Tourism And Conventions

Keep abreast of the latest trends and developments is essential to conducting our business with diligence and course to success. As we all know, society is changing, and depending on your changing needs are also modified and, therefore, business and commercial strategies. It is, therefore, extremely important that our businesses are kept abreast of everything that happens. Take good note of the new changes is essential so that our company is not out of date and is capable of giving customers what they want and need. New strategies: tourism and conventions tourism enterprises, in particular, can make use of tourism and conventions in order to with a complete overview of the new trends that flood the market. In this way, will have information first to the fingertips to bring it to their own strategies of marketing.

There is nothing as a report of the new landscape of tourism and conventions related to embark towards new success initiatives. The conventions are all necessary to establish new links, contacts and engage in relationships that enhance our business line. Register for WYSTC and the most out one of the most important conventions that are going to take place today is the WYSTC, a Congress of Tourism held at international level and this year whose headquarters is located in San Diego. The event is aimed at young people, students and companies dedicated to tourism in educational trips. WYSTC usually go organizations from all corners of the world that specialize in tourism marketing, as well as travel for young people. In Congress You can meet new partners and market with them, as well as exchange experiences, knowledge and, above all, new ideas.

Duty Free

Fruit, ornamental, forestry plants or parts of them. Flowers, dried flowers and garden plants. Earth. Wood or bark. Snails insects and others. Bees, honey and beeswax. Semen of animals, biological products and veterinary drugs. Small animals and pets (dogs, cats, other).

Birds. Living species, products or by-products of these, made from wildlife. Important to bear in mind: make an affidavit that is missing the truth constitutes offence and may be punished with minor in its minimum degree presidio middle (61 days to 3 years); refuse to formulate it shall be punished by a fine. For international departures the international boarding area, it is located on the third level. At the time of entering by international police, prompted the passenger his identification documents (whether identity card or passport), the visa stamped, depending on the destination country and the card of boarding.

After the control of airport security, boarding bridges are located. This sector only people coming out of the country have access. Those who return to join Chile and carry any item of value, must pass through the Customs Office, to make a declaration of temporary output of objects that return you to enter. Rates from boarding international flights less than 500 kms. US$ 12 international flights more than 500 kms. US$ 30 Duty Free: the Santiago international airport has four stores free of tax. I’ve been to several Duty Free from different countries and of Santiago is one of the most convenient that I found. Generally, there is little variety of items: typical cigarettes, liquors, candies, chocolates, perfumes, souvenirs. If it is a great smoker, I recommend to buy cigarettes in the Duty Free. One of the articles that more tax has in Chile are cigarettes. A pack of 20 cigarettes in the city costs $ 3 and the Dutty Free us$ 1,2 approx.

Work Integrated

To love life through labour is to be intimate with the deepest secret of life. Khalil Gibran generalities, reach and impact between the characteristics of successful companies which manifests equiped with well integrated, cohesive teams, motivated, committed to their goals where each individual brings their abilities, skills, knowledge in order to facilitate the performance of the group based on plans that have been defined in order to achieve results that are favorable to the company. Unfortunately, many managers, especially those responsible for driving SMEs, (Venezuelan case) ignore the importance of what is having computers integrated, cohesive, so that the sum of the individual work give favorable results for the team and that this towards the defined goals. Furthermore teams cohesive, productive, effective, provided that the members that compose it, animatedly to participate, contribute solutions, creativity, ideas and reaffirm an important aspect, as it is to identify with the company, feel part of it where it recognizes their performance. From here, which is valid as it manifests Jorge Isaza, that teamwork is a strict and challenging process, but very satisfactory integration of each other is the opportunity to learn and grow, they are discovered on computer, know and run processes, as well as the problems that arise, create and improve standards, there the collaborator is fed back that knowthat you don’t know and that most known; all learning and Unlearning, make fewer slaves (free knowledge), more friends and more friends of the company for which they work. Therefore, it is very significant that management pay him attention and collaboration to work teams, be attentive in its operation, in which all the individuals that compose it, identify with the organizational culture that the company has created and it has been developing. Pay them attention to their needs, to their concerns with motivation, persuasion, influence, and generating stimuli that give passage to the creativity, innovation that the dynamics of teams to generate effective, productive results, in such a way that the members that compose it, are fully identified with his team.

Mesoamerican Reef

This this underwater photography competition aimed to celebrate the diversity that exists in the underwater world of the Mayan Riviera, a destination for diving that offers diving from land or sea. There is not another underwater photography competition in the world that offers the variety and opportunities for diving and taking pictures. Claim the organizers: David Tomlinson, Lothar Batt and Andreas w. Matthes Matt of the Alliance of divers of the Riviera Maya. The Riviera Maya underwater photography competition, is an annual event of diving with international class, designed to encourage and expand the skills of underwater photography for our divers. We invite divers from all over the world to visit Playa del Carmen and participate in a memorable experience that will include diving, social events and workshops, to finish with the presentation of the winning photos at an awards ceremony. Some local businesses and diving equipment vendors are supporting this event with awards, briefings and presentations to promote this extraordinary opportunity.

We will count with the presence of international judges who select the winners of the contest on December 11 in the closing ceremony. The Riviera Maya, located to the South of Cancun, has other cities of the Caribbean including Puerto Morelos, Playa del Carmen and Tulum, is fortunate in having to dive sites such as caves and underground caverns as well as the second barrier reef dives mas grande del mundo, the Mesoamerican Reef, which stretches more than 700 Km. from Cancun to Honduras. Alliance of divers of the Riviera Maya is a network of dive centers that promotes quality diving in the Riviera Maya through promotions and events to support the diving community. The Abyss, Tank-ha and Protec dive centers joined forces in May 2009 to carry out this vision and promote it internationally who are interested in recreational and technical diving.

Life Learning

LEARNING for the life learning to learn the curriculum process developed in each of the different areas and technical specialties that make up our plan of study takes into account learning integral as learning to learn, learning to be, learning to do, to turn to believing and learning to live together. These lessons allow the livingness of the evangelists, of the Salesian teaching style, own criteria that make the Centro Don Bosco school, a workshop, a parish, a courtyard and a House that preparing for life. Academic coordination aware of the importance of the curriculum focused on learning for life, launched from space of Los Buenos Dias a training plan will be held bi-monthly in order to socialize students each learning outcomes of the curriculum of the Don Bosco Center, so that they integrate strategies for academic improvement. Learn to learn in many occasions in life we express that experience has left us knowledge that allow us to continue fighting for those ideals that we want make a reality. With this kind of statements we understand that there are people who have managed to integrate into your life knowledge, expertise and have developed skills that allow them to play a role. This type of learning self-directed and self motivated by the same person is what might be called learning to learn, that is the capacity that each person has of integrating in their development of life skills, values and knowledge that help you continue growing personal, family and professionally. This type of learning call it self-employed, because the same subject is who feel protagonist of their own training guides their intellectual and cognitive motivations to the pursuit of knowledge for life. From this point of view, we understand by autonomous learning process that allows students to be their own cognitive development author, choosing a personal strategies, resources, techniques and moments that it considers relevant to learn and put into practice what you have learned.


All these applications or tools are useful and world practice for any company, and their bases are feasible to adapt to all types of organization, its basic principle is the cultural transformation, founded with a focus on high quality, efficiency and continuous improvement. Action No. 11. Eliminate intermediaries. Direct contact with customers gives companies the possibility of knowing the consumer, besides that you can get immediate and truthful information. Intermediaries shall not be required if you begin to market their products via the Internet. The advantages of this type of marketing will be the speed of response and the direct service that you can offer your consumers.

Action No.12. Support to its consumers on their problems. Service, in addition to response capacity that you have with their consumers, will be the elements that generate loyal customers that underpin the success of your company. One of the best ways to support its consumers and customers is through the Internet, a medium that allows the person concerned to solve their problems. The assertion that information is source of enterprise development becomes evident and palpable, and its importance with the implementation of digital technologies, therefore we must not be apart from the advances in information technology. The successes and failures of our companies, indicate that unremitting efforts should concentrate on systematically implement flexible goals, strategies and system integrators must unite. We must understand that customers are the evaluators of the quality because they have the power to select which products or services must be purchased, and that the actors of this scenario are our workers. The quality of a product or service is the result of a process that integrates to all members of the Organization of design, development, production, marketing and technical assistance since its sale and until the end of its useful life, including final disposal.


It is sad and frustrating to see how the profession of communication sciences in our days is trampled and usurped by people who have never studied the profeson, while the owners of the means of communication, directors and other staff argue that it is not necessary to professionalize to develop communications activities, but this problem is not only, imagine that nowadays the means they use a system of hiring staff through amiguismoswhich is the weight requirement to get into work, being marginalized titles and experience. If you my reader querito someday performs research on this interesting and delicate subject, you will notice that the directors of the media placed obstacles to prevent a membership in our profession, perhaps one of the main is that oppose emphatically the membership of our profession, because they consider that it violates the law free d issuance of thought, wanting to cover the Sun with a finger, because they try to bumble that act at your convenience and craving because to be approved be see affected their political and economic interests. It has been said that a professional Communicator is a master of masses that orients, educates, informs and recreates but to keep the owners of the media this philosophy as it is can educate, guide, inform and professionally recreate if it lacks culture and preparation. While a professional with degree of Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicacion remains underemployed, paying a salary of hunger either forming part the huge row of unemployed with a title of ornament on the wall. Do to analyze this whole problem, where the Government does deaf ears as well as the directors of different schools or faculties of communication sciences pernamecen in a position psiva of arms crossed because not the subject in the most interested at least I wonder: to what there are such units academic in my country if the end media prefer to recruit personal little or no qualified?.

With great sadness I see as a communication student spends time, effort ysobre all money for culminating his career, graduating as Bachelor of communication receive as stimulus remain underemployed or unemployed because the media don’t give opportunity unless you have the prerequisite for being able to work otherwise I am referring to cronyism. It is necessary that public opinion international know truly what the contrivances of the owners and directors of media in my country Guatemala otherwise massaged at your convenience. I believe that with a professional association rather than harm would act to maintain codes of ethics mejoraria and professional quality of work, as soon as the processing of the message, doing a professional job without political ties or interests of any kind.